Some more information about the red Yamaha key:
The key is electronically linked to the immobilizer.
You can’t just cut a key and use it. The red key is the coding key, and if you lose this one then you can’t re-code a new black key to suit your bike.
If the code re-registering key is lost (the one with the red bow), registering new codes in the standard keys is impossible.
The standard black keys can still be used to start the vehicle, however if code re-registering is required (i.e. if a new standard key is made or all the keys are lost) you need to send us the ECM/ECU-unit and immobilizer ignition switch ring antenna”
model no. 5KS-00 / serial no. 710007
model no. 5VS-00 / serial no. 711259
model no. 5SL-00 / ic: 4966A-5SL00 / 5SL00570070A
Model: Yamaha chip key programming 3x
000.289.025 S288 45